MacBook Air 13″ with common LCD issue

Yet another 13″ MacBook Air with the common issue caused by hairline cracking along the left side of the screen. I have a blog post describing this MacBook Air 13″ LCD issue in more detail.

Normally the screen is white at the bottom with some distortion towards the top. Sometimes the horizontal point where the white starts is higher or lower, depending on where the cracking is along the left side of the screen under the silver bezel.

MacBook Air 1322 with Classic LCD issue

This second photo shows the LCD panel and the area that had a crack marked out. You can see how the cracking is just along the very edge of the display, rather then some kind of impact point or similar.

Cracking olong corner of MacBook Air LCD panel

The only thing this computer needed to function properly was a MacBook Air 13″ LCD panel. By just replacing the panel and not the entire display assembly I was able to save the customer $100’s of dollars.