13 inch MacBook Air with specs on display as well as cracked

This MacBook Air came in for an LCD replacement as it had a crack on the display at the center top of the screen. When I was completing my initial inspection I saw there were some specs under the LCD. I am not sure where this wear and tear came from or how it was caused, but it was actually visible in the white area of the display (as you can see in the picture below).

MacBook Air Specs on Display 1f

I asked the client if they wanted to continue with the LCD only replacement as those markings would still be visible after the repair since they were on the white sheets that sit behind the LCD panel. The client said those markings had been there for years and they didn’t mind them at all, so to continue with just the LCD replacement.

The LCD only replacement went great, and the markings were visible as I suspected. I included a picture of the backlight sheet with the markings on it as well as a picture of the computer after the repair was completed.

If you need your MacBook Air screen replaced, please contact me for a quote. I would be happy to help! Happy New Years!