Nationwide Data Recovery Service

I offer professional data recovery that is affordable and secure. I have three tiers of data recovery. Most recovery projects fall under my standard recovery service. If an external part requires replacement on the drive or there is a feature on the drive that will make the recovery take longer than average (such as encryption or a drive larger than 2TB), that will move the drive up to my Standard+ tier. And finally, Tier three is known as a “Clean room recovery”. A clean room recovery is required if any internal part needs to be replaced on the drive.

Data Recovery Tiers

My data recovery service is a flat rate cost, and you don’t pay anything if I am not successful in recovering your data. The price for recovery does not include a good drive to move the data onto, so you can either buy one from me if I am successful in recovering your data (1TB starts at $79), or you can provide your own drive for me to use to move the data onto.

Standard Data Recovery Service

Price $329
Turnaround Time: 2-7 days on average
Most failing drives do not require a “clean room recovery”. In my experience, about 60% of drives do not require any clean room service. Most data recovery businesses have a standard diagnosis script that they send out explaining that your drive requires a clean room recovery so they can charge you thousands of dollars for your project. Recoveries that do not require internal part replacements are usually completed within 2-7 days.

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Standard+ Data Recovery Service

Price $499
Turnaround Time: 2-7 days on average
Some drives have issues that are more time-consuming to recover from. Some examples would be a more advanced firmware issue, encrypted drives, or larger capacity drives. Standard+ recoveries make up about 10% of the drives I receive.

Data Recovery Cartoon Machine

Clean Room Data Recovery Service

Price $999
Turnaround Time: 14 days on average
If your drive has been dropped, there is a good chance that an internal part will need to be replaced in order to get the data off the drive. If internal part replacement is necessary, my Lab Restoration Service covers these types of data recoveries. I have found about 20% of the drives I receive end up requiring a Lab Restoration recovery service.

iPhone Data Recovery Cartoon Machine
We have a no data no charge policy! While rare, some drives are not recoverable. If we are not able to recover the data on your drive, there is no charge for our attempt.

Devices We Can Recover Data From

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Mac Data Recovery

After running a full-service Mac repair shop for over a decade, I know a thing or two about Macs. My Mac data recovery skills have been built from over 15 years in the industry. If needed, I can even handle the entire process from recovering the data to installing a new drive and transferring the data back to your computer. If you had a hard drive fail in your Mac, it might be a good time to look into having an SSD installed. SSDs are much faster than standard spinning disk drives and will give your Mac a good speed boost. How do you know if your Mac has a failed drive? There are a lot of symptoms that can point to a failed drive. Check out my Mac recovery page for more info.

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PC Data Recovery

The majority of the drives I receive for data recovery are PC drives. This is not because they are inferior to Mac drives, but rather that there are just more of them out there! I work with some PC repair shops that send their difficult recoveries to me so I have seen just about everything possible on Windows recoveries. Even a mid 90’s drive with 200MB of storage! If needed I can remove the drive from your PC, and recommend a good local repair shop to take your PC to get a new drive installed. I always recover data onto an external backup drive so you can choose to move the data to a new computer if you decide not to fix the old one.

External Drive Data Recovery

External drives are everywhere nowadays. You use them for storing large photo collections, archiving old computers, backing up computers, and more. External drives fail as often as internal drives (if not more due to their mobile nature). I can recover from all kinds of external devices including Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba, G-Drive, Iomega, and pretty much every external drive out there. Some external drives combine more than one drive into the box (RAIDs). I can recover those as well! I am also able to remove the drive from its enclosure, so no need to take anything apart. .. I will take care of the whole process.

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RAID recoveries

I am one of the few techs that offer RAID recovery in-house. Most shops have to mail the RAID out for recovery due to the difficult and time-consuming process of rebuilding the RAID. If you are a shop and need help rebuilding a RAID recovery, please contact me and we can discuss the project. If you have a RAID and need recovery, I can help! I charge on a per-drive basis. Please contact me with any RAID recovery questions and to discuss the recovery of your particular RAID.

The Data Recovery Process

  1. Get the drive to me. If you would like to provide your own drive for transferring the data once it is recovered, be sure to include that so I have both available from the start. You can use the service available at the top of this page to checkout for a data recovery attempt via Mail-in.
  2. Wait for the recovery attempt to be completed. Once the drive is received, I will start my recovery attempt and give you updates along the way on how it is going.
  3. Recovery Complete. Once the recovery is complete, I move the data to the transfer drive and send you an invoice for the total amount. You may pay via PayPal or any major credit card.
  4. Payment Completed. Once payment is received I will send the drives back to you at no additional charge (or you may pick them up). Note that I will store an encrypted image of the drive for 1 week, so be sure to backup all important data as soon as you receive the recovery.