15 Inch MacBook Pro with Matte LCD Screen Repair

15 Inch MacBook Pro with Matte LCD Screen Repair

We got a MacBook Pro in the shop today with a slightly unusual screen. This is a 15 inch MacBook Pro model A1286 like many of our customers have, but with one major upgrade. Instead of a standard LCD panel, this Mac has a “HD” LCD panel with a matte finish that’s easier to read …

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15 inch MacBook Pro Retina With Damaged Display

We had a MacBook Pro come in the other day with some serious display issues. This unfortunate display looked like it came from the 90s with a flannel screen. The damage to the display caused a checkered pattern which is visible in the image below. Looks like it was time for a Retina Screen Replacement! …

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15 inch 2012 MacBook Pro A1286 With Damaged LCD Screen

This MacBook pro took a hit from the back towards the bottom left of the machine, below where the Apple logo is. The impact resulted in a damaged LCD screen, but the glass on the outside of the computer was perfectly fine. We replaced the damaged LCD panel while leaving the original glass in place. …

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15 inch 2008 MacBook Pro with cracked LCD

Do you have a 2008 MacBook Pro Screen Crack? These machines pre-date the advent of retina screen technology. We can still repair them. The best part is that we can fix non-retina displays by swapping the entire display, just the glass, or just the LCD panel. Non-Retina Repairs The new Retina displays are built completely …

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13 Inch MacBook Repair With cracked LCD

We had a MacBook come in the other day with a damaged LCD panel. This poor display had received an impact from the back which resulted in white and black splotches on the screen. From the picture below, it would seem hard to imagine that there is anything “good” about this situation. On the contrary, …

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