Pink and Blue crack on Apple 11 inch MacBook Air Screen
This 11” MacBook Air screen was cracked along the side, that caused the LCD panel to show pink and purple lines. Replacing the panel repaired the damage.
This 11” MacBook Air screen was cracked along the side, that caused the LCD panel to show pink and purple lines. Replacing the panel repaired the damage.
This 11 inch MacBook Air has a small crack on the edge of the screen, causing a white line to appear down the middle of the display. Replacing the LCD panel repairs this issue.
This 11 inch MacBook air was hit on the front of the screen and broken. The LCD panel is clearly cracked, showing vertical and horizontal lines and white portions on the screen. We repaired this laptop by replacing the LCD panel.
This 11 inch MacBook Air was hit on the front of the screen, causing white and colored lines to appear across the display and distorting the image underneath. We were able to repair this Apple computer by installing a replacement LCD panel on the screen.
This 11 inch MacBook Air has cracks running across the entire screen, the LCD panel needs to be replaced. The signs of a broken LCD panel are the weird colors and splotches showing up on the screen. We fix broken MacBook Air screens by replacing the LCD panel with a new one.