MacBook Pro Cracked LCD Panel

MacBook Pro with cracked LCD

This MacBook Pro has a cracked LCD panel, but the glass is good! This happens more than you would expect. It usually occurs when the computer takes a hit from the back. This causes the display panel to crack, but the glass does not break. We are able to safely remove the glass, replace the LCD, …

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MacBook Air with cracked display 11 inch

This 11 inch MacBook Air took a hit on the top left of the screen. We had to replace the cracked display panel to make this MacBook Air as good as new. We specialize in MacBook Air display repair. We offer a fast 24 hour turnaround and keep our prices low by replacing just the …

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MacBook Air cracked screen repair services

We specialize in MacBook Air display repair. We offer a fast 24 hour turnaround and keep our prices low by replacing just the failed component in your Mac. If you have a broken screen on your Mac and are unsure what service you need, please fill out the form below and we will get back …

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MacBook Pro with Cracked Glass but Good Display

MacBook Pro’s have a panel of glass covering the LCD panel on the display. If you special ordered your MacBook Pro as a Matte screen MacBook Pro, this glass panel will not be present. You can know if you have a glass panel covering the LCD panel by looking at the color of the area …

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